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Paralegal Job Description

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​​Have you ever wondered how to kickstart a career in law? Or perhaps if you had the relevant skills and qualifications to become a legal professional?

If the legal sector has ever been of interest, you certainly have heard of the Paralegal profession. After all, Paralegals have been getting a lot of attention within the entertainment industry, often being depicted in movies and TV shows as young legal professionals working tirelessly in prestigious law firms and trying to move up the corporate ladder. We see them surrounded by books and files, performing a lot of research and digging into old cases - is this though an actual reflection of what the role entails? Or is this a romanticised version of the profession? And what would be the key differences between Paralegals working at renowned law firms - like we see in the movies - and those who occupy the same position for corporate businesses?

In the below, we will shed a light on what it takes to be a Paralegal in the United Kingdom, how lucrative the position can be based on the industry and what are the usual key responsibilities in relation to the role.

The Paralegal Role

So what does a Paralegal do?

As mentioned in our article What Is a Paralegal Job, the Paralegal job description will consist of assisting lawyers, solicitors and barristers with their day-to-day duties, whether these take place in meeting rooms or in court. Paralegals are instrumental in the growth of a given firm as they will generally support lawyers with tasks - legal or administrative - that will free their time up and allow them to concentrate on business development and fee earning duties. In a way, you could say that Paralegals are the foundation of an overall in-house legal structure.

The Difference Between Paralegals and Solicitors

The main difference between a Paralegal and a Solicitor (or Lawyer) is that the former doesn’t require qualifications whilst the latter needs them in order to perform their job. This means that Paralegals will be limited in terms of responsibilities, as some tasks will require oversight from a qualified Lawyer and extensive legal knowledge.

Many aspiring lawyers will see the Paralegal job as a stepping stone to a successful legal career: it isn’t uncommon to come across Paralegals who have either undertaken a law degree or are working towards finishing one. These future qualified lawyers might have a larger scope of duties in their workplace: because they are actively working towards their qualification, some businesses will let them take on duties that are more aligned with their professional goals.

Will Paralegals Become Obsolete In the Future?

There has been a lot of hearsay around the future of the Paralegal profession, as automation is becoming bigger by the minute within the legal sector. More and more, we have been seeing both within in-house functions and private practice firms sophisticated automation software replacing duties that usually fall within the remit of Paralegals. Perusal and legal research are only some of the few tasks which are increasingly being automated.

This doesn’t mean that the Paralegal role will disappear altogether; it instead implies that certain skills will be more important in the eyes of hiring firms. Creativity, logic and empathy will be highly regarded, moreso if a candidate can demonstrate these soft skills alongside great legal knowledge and a desire to go above and beyond the typical Paralegal job description.


Do I need a law degree to be a paralegal?

In short - no you do not. A law degree is not a necessary requirement if you wish to become a Paralegal.

Some Paralegals have been able to undertake their duties simply with on-the-job training. Others have opted for a specific Paralegal course. Not everyone is on the same journey: those who see a Paralegal job as the first step to become a qualified lawyer will need a law degree to meet their end goal.

On the other hand, if one's intention is to remain a Paralegal over time, then a specific degree in the field won't be necessary. Paralegals are unregulated in most jurisdictions, meaning they do not need a licence to complete their duties and assist a qualified lawyer.

Keep in mind that this does not mean that one can get into any firm with no relevant background whatsoever. Because of the lack of specific qualifications required for a Paralegal role, firms tend to have a set of requirements to consider candidates; some may ask for previous exposure to an office environment, a legal internship, etc.

Where do Paralegals make the most money?

The compensation for Paralegals in the UK will highly depend on the firm and the sector operated in. Numerous salary surveys have shown that Paralegals earn an average of £35,000 in the United Kingdom, with certain businesses paying around £19,000 per annum and others up to £65,000 a year.

Whilst there are exceptions to the rule, when it comes to the Private Practice sector, Magic Circle and Silver Circle firms will usually offer interesting compensation for Paralegals - though there will be a ceiling at some point as the job is not regulated or qualified. Compensation within Private Practice will usually be made up of a basic salary combined with a yearly bonus which represents a low percentage of the annual salary.

The in-house market is known as the most lucrative option, with basic salaries usually being higher than their private practice counterparts. Yearly bonuses are also perceived as more appealing, with a bigger percentage being given away at the end of a firm's fiscal year.

What does a Paralegal do every day?

The tasks of a Paralegal will obviously vary from one business to the other, but there are some generic tasks which one will find across sectors and firms. These will include legal drafting, legal research and documents perusal.

Paralegals will require strong attention to detail and overall legal knowledge because of the complexity of some of their tasks. They will be asked to assist qualified lawyers on numerous legal and administrative duties, meaning they will be exposed to a large array of situations and challenges which will require strong knowledge and skills.

Depending on the sector or industry, some additional tasks may include interviewing clients and witnesses for cases, going to court, billing clients, writing reports, drafting and proofreading legal documents.

What are the duties of a Paralegal?

The duties of a Paralegal will always depend on the firm and the individual. For instance, as stated above, some Paralegals will decide to never get qualified and stick to their current lot of legal and administrative duties.

But those who have - or are in the process of - getting qualifications may be asked to take on a wider list of duties. This will solely be at the firm's discretion.

Whilst this is a case by case situation, Paralegals will usually oversee the below duties amongts other things:

  • Undertaking legal drafting

  • Perusing documents and legal research

  • Liaising with other internal teams (this would apply solely in-house Paralegals)

  • Providing assistance with the review, drafting and negotiation of agreements

  • Maintaining document management systems and databases

  • Coordinating the execution of specific documents

  • Reviewing and negotiating agreements and other documents for a given firm

  • If applicable, assisting with bank account openings, regulatory filings

  • Spearheading the preparation and negotiation of NDAs and their trackers

Looking for Paralegal jobs within the financial services industry? Rutherford might be able to help you. Our specialist governance recruitment firm has an entire team dedicated solely to in-house legal roles, which cover Paralegals.

Get in touch with us today to see if we can help you with your search, or peruse our current vacancies.